Cramer and Martinez

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7459 Monterey St., Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020

Can Office Employees Receive Workers’ Comp for Accidents and Injuries?

 Posted on March 13, 2023 in Workers' Compensation

Morgan Hill Workers' Comp Lawyers

Every workplace carries its own inherent risks, and office environments are no exception. Accidents and injuries can happen in any job setting, and they can cause a great deal of difficulty for workers. The question is: if an office employee is injured or becomes ill on the job, are they eligible for workers’ compensation benefits? Fortunately for workers, the answer is "yes." Those who are injured in workplace accidents, contract diseases or illnesses while working in offices, or suffer bodily harm due to the work they have performed will be able to receive benefits. If you are an office worker, understanding the types of benefits that may be available can help you make sure you will be able to recover from an accident or injury while at work.

Types of Injuries in the Office Environment

Many of the most common types of injuries that happen in an office environment are repetitive stress disorders such as carpal tunnel syndrome. These injuries affect the nerves in the wrists, and they may be caused by activities such as typing or using a computer. They can lead to significant pain or loss of sensation in the hands and wrists, affecting a person's ability to continue working as they had previously. Other types of repetitive injuries may include eye strain from looking at computer monitors or small print on documents throughout the day, as well as back pain or other issues related to posture when sitting in office chairs.

Workplace accidents can also occur in offices, such as trip and fall accidents that take place due to obstacles like boxes or extension cords in walkways. These may result in injuries such as broken bones, sprains, or traumatic brain injuries. Other accidents may be related to workplace tasks, such as back injuries from lifting and carrying boxes or other items.

Dangerous situations in offices may also lead to injuries for employers. For example, fires may occur, leading to serious burns or smoke inhalation injuries. Diseases contracted by office workers can also lead to serious harm, and depending on the nature and severity of infections and the underlying health conditions of those who are affected, emergency treatment or hospitalization may be necessary, and workers may experience ongoing effects that may prevent them from returning to work for a significant amount of time.

Workers' Comp Benefits for Office Workers

In general, any injury that occurred in a workplace accident or arose out of the work a person performed will be covered by workers' compensation. The benefits a person can receive will include medical benefits, and workers' comp will pay the costs of emergency treatment, hospitalization, surgery, physical rehabilitation, medications, and all other forms of medical care needed for a work-related injury.

Disability benefits will usually also be available in situations where a person will be temporarily unable to work, where they can only work at a reduced capacity or a lower-paying position while recovering, or where they will be permanently affected by an injury. Supplemental job displacement benefits may be available for a person who cannot return to their previous position, and they will provide assistance with education and vocational training to help them find work that fits within their limitations. Death benefits may also be paid to the dependents of a person killed in a workplace accident.

Contact Our Morgan Hill Workers' Comp Lawyers for Office Worker Injuries

If you are an office employee who has sustained a work-related injury or illness, it is important to understand your rights when it comes to filing for workers' compensation. At Cramer + Martinez, we can advise you of the benefits you can receive, work with you to file a claim, and ensure that you will have the financial resources to allow you to make a full recovery. Contact our Gilroy workers' compensation attorneys at 408-848-1113 to arrange a free consultation today.


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