Cramer and Martinez

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7459 Monterey St., Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020

Do Airport Workers Get Workers’ Compensation? | CA

 Posted on September 06,2024 in Workers' Compensation

Hollister County, CA workers' comp attorneyAirport workers are the backbone of the travel industry, keeping everything from planes to passengers moving smoothly. Whether it is loading baggage, maintaining airplanes, or ensuring runway safety, their work is vital. But with that responsibility comes risk.

From dealing with heavy equipment to working long shifts in unpredictable weather, airport jobs can be tough. Unfortunately, these conditions can lead to injuries, and when that happens, workers need to know they are protected by laws that promise compensation for their injuries. If you are an airport worker who has been hurt on the job, talk to a Gilroy, CA workers' compensation lawyer to learn more about options you may have.

What Are Common Injuries Suffered by Airport Workers?

Airport workers face a variety of hazards that can result in different types of injuries, including:

  • Back injuries from lifting heavy luggage or equipment

  • Slip-and-fall accidents, especially in areas with oil spills, rain, or snow

  • Repetitive strain injuries from tasks like baggage handling or working on aircraft parts

  • Burns from working with aircraft fuel or other hazardous materials

  • Hearing damage from prolonged exposure to loud engine noise

  • Injuries from operating heavy machinery, such as baggage trucks or conveyor belts

Which Airport Workers Are Most Frequently Injured?

Some airport jobs carry a higher risk of injury due to the nature of the job. For example, baggage handlers are frequently injured from lifting and moving heavy luggage, often resulting in back strains and muscle injuries. Ground crew workers, who manage aircraft equipment and ensure runway safety, are also at high risk due to the heavy machinery and vehicles they operate. Aircraft maintenance technicians, who perform repairs on planes, often face hazards from working in confined spaces, handling dangerous materials, or using specialized tools. Additionally, those working on the tarmac, such as ramp agents, are exposed to extreme weather conditions.

Why Airport Employee Workers’ Compensation Claims Might Be Denied or Lowballed

Despite the risks airport workers face, getting fair compensation after an injury is not always easy. Insurance companies or employers may deny claims for a variety of reasons. They might argue that the injury was not work-related or claim that it resulted from pre-existing conditions. In other cases, claims may be underpaid or "lowballed," where the compensation offered is far less than what is needed to cover medical bills and lost wages. This can happen if the severity of the injury is underestimated or if the insurance company disputes the treatment plan. If your claim has been denied or underpaid, it is important to know that you have the right to appeal the decision and fight for the benefits you deserve under California workers’ compensation law.

Contact a Hollister County, CA Workers’ Comp Lawyer

If you are an airport worker who has been injured on the job, navigating the workers’ compensation process can be tough. Whether your claim was denied, underpaid, or you are just starting the filing process, having a knowledgeable attorney on your side can make all the difference.
A Gilroy, CA workers' compensation attorney can help you build a strong case, negotiate with insurance companies, and ensure you get the benefits you deserve. Contact Cramer + Martinez at 408-848-1113 today for a free consultation and find out how we can assist you.

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