Cramer and Martinez

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7459 Monterey St., Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020

What to Do If a Workers' Compensation Investigator Is Following You

 Posted on July 05, 2022 in Workers' Compensation

b2ap3_thumbnail_private-investigator-work-comp.jpgIn our last blog post, we discussed the role of a Workers’ Compensation investigator. These private investigators are assigned to Workers’ Compensation recipients who have been out of work. Their job is to verify that the recipient appears to have the injury they claim and the physical limitations they claim. Just because one of these investigators has been assigned to your case does not mean that anyone necessarily thinks that you are faking. That said, if you suspect that a Workers’ Compensation investigator is following you, there are a few steps that you can take to protect yourself. One of the first steps you should take is to contact an attorney who can offer you more specific advice that pertains to your individual situation. 

Know the Signs of Being Under Surveillance

You may notice signs if a Workers’ Compensation investigator is watching you. Look for vehicles you do not recognize sitting parked on your home street near your house, especially if the vehicle is occupied. If you notice the same vehicle while you are out and about, it is likely that you are being watched. While driving, try making three right or three left turns. If the same car is still behind you, you are very likely being followed. 

Also, try to pay closer attention to the strangers you see out in public. If you see the same individual repeatedly in multiple locations while you are out of work on Workers’ Compensation, it could be an investigator. 

Steps You Can Take If You Are Being Followed

The following steps can help protect your job and your claim: 

  • Follow doctor’s orders - You will need to be very, very, stringent about following your doctor’s orders precisely. If your doctor says not to lift more than ten pounds, make sure not to. 
  • Avoid strenuous activity - Even if the activity you want to do does not relate to your injury, it is better to refrain from any strenuous physical activity. For example, even if only your leg is injured, being seen kayaking might not look good. 
  • Stay calm - The feeling of being watched is incredibly uncomfortable. You may feel extremely violated, and that is very valid. Keep your blinds closed or cracked if you feel better that way. 
  • Do not confront - It is understandable if you become frustrated and feel like marching up to the guy following you and confronting him. Do not do this. Getting into an altercation with the investigator is not going to end well. 

Next, Speak With a San Benito County Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

Cramer + Martinez can help if you are dealing with a Workers’ Compensation investigator. Our skilled Hollister Workers’ Compensation attorneys will fight to protect your claim. Call us at 408-848-1113 to begin with a free consultation. 



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