What You Should Know About Returning to Work After a Workplace Accident
Despite the availability of workers’ compensation benefits for those injured on the job, for many injured workers, one of the most pressing concerns is returning to work as soon as possible. Whether this is due to a strong work ethic or a realization that in some cases workers’ compensation benefits may not be enough to fully compensate an employee who is unable to perform his or her job duties, some injured workers’ desire to get back on the jobsite is so strong that they may end up doing more harm than good – both to their workers’ compensation case and to their health.
Your Doctor’s Orders Should Prevail
In deciding whether to return to work, you should always pay attention to the recommendations of your treating physician. This doctor will be the person in the best position to recommend returning to work or remaining off of work for a few more days. If you believe you are ready to return to work, your doctor may be able to allow you to return to work—provided that you adhere to some limitations or restrictions (in some cases). Returning to work without your doctor’s permission can not only jeopardize your health and safety (and that of your coworkers), but it can also cause difficulties for your workers’ compensation claim and benefits.
What If My Doctor Does Not Want Me to Go Back to Work?
If you feel ready to return to work but your treating physician will not give their approval, consider obtaining a second opinion from another doctor. Having another doctor’s opinion may convince your treating physician to alter their opinion and permit you to return to work. If this is not an option (or if it is not successful), consider suggesting to your treating physician that he or she permit you to return to work on a “trial” basis. This still allows you to return to work (with or without restrictions) but gives your treating physician the option of ending the trial work period and directing that you obtain additional therapy or treatment if the trial work period does not go well.
Think carefully about returning to work before you are sure you are physically able to do so, and about pressuring your treating physician to release you to return to work. Your workers’ compensation benefits may cease, and you may find it impossible to “restart” these benefits in the event you are, in fact, not physically fit to return to any work.
Santa Clara County Workers’ Compensation Attorneys are Here to Help
If you have been injured on the job, be certain to follow your doctor’s recommendations. You should also contact an experienced Gilroy workers’ compensation attorney at Cramer + Martinez before returning to work. We can help you make a successful transition back to work without jeopardizing your health or your continued workers’ compensation benefits. Call 408-848-1113 or contact us online to discuss your California workers’ compensation case today.